First Time Buyer Mortgage Advice in Essex

Should I Rent or Buy in Essex | MoneymanTV

The question that every First Time Buyer in Essex will ask… “should I rent or should I buy?”.

As opposed to putting them both up against each other, you should consider the pros and cons to both and then decide on which option suits you and your future best. Of course, everyone has their own different things going on in their life and that’s why you should consider both options. You don’t know which one will suit you best until you take a look at the main differences.

Buying a House in Essex

More often than not, especially if you are younger, parents will encourage you to invest in property sooner rather than later. There are pros to doing this, but there are cons too.

Mortgage payments

In terms of monthly payments, you’ll often find that paying for a mortgage will be cheaper than renting. The Bank of England’s interest rates may fluctuate from time to time, so your mortgage payments could change and go up.

There are ways around this though, for example, if you secure a fixed-rate mortgage, your payments will remain the same until your term is over. Here’s an overview of fixed-rate mortgages:

If you were renting, your payments may also change. With increasing maintenance costs and Buy to Let Mortgage interest rates, you may find that your landlord may bump up your rent. It’s unusual for a landlord to want less from you, it’s a rare situation.


As long as you can manage to keep up with your mortgage payments, you will always have that sense of security within a home. No one can force you to move out as you are the property owner.

Being a tenant leaves you with little protection against things like this, you can get asked to move out whenever your landlord wants you out. Yes, they will give you notice; however, you can’t really argue with them as it’s their property. Some landlords may consider your personal circumstances and give you a longer notice period, however, not every landlord is as lenient and you may have to move out as fast as you can. All of this worry doesn’t come with owning a home.


The property market loves to reshuffle things now and again, it’s often a surprise when it happens too – you never know when a market boom or crash is around the corner. It’s great news when you find out that your house is going to go up in value, however, this works both ways and unfortunately, your property price can also go down in value.

History suggests that even if you purchase a property during the very peak of the market, as long as you can afford to keep hold of the property, eventually property prices will go back up. During the credit crunch in 2008, sold values dipped dramatically. After a few years and backing from the government, the market shot back up and before you know it, property values had reached an all-time high.

If you are forced to sell your home at the wrong time, you may end up losing money. You may have to sell your home quickly because of a relationship breakdown, a reduction of income or another personal situation.

Don’t rush into a purchase, get Mortgage Advice in Essex

You shouldn’t rush into a property purchase; buying a home is a huge financial commitment and you should only go forward with one if you are ready to do so.

Considering your future capabilities of being able to afford your mortgage payments is always smart too. You can protect yourself from some of these things, for example, if you are unable to work due to an illness, you could look at Critical Illness cover to help down the line.

You can always get the help from a First Time Buyer Mortgage Advisor in Essex if you are unsure on whether or not to purchase a property over renting one.

Renting a House in Essex

Now that you know a little more about the pros and cons of buying a home, now let’s talk about renting in Essex. Depending on your situation, renting could be the best option for you. There are a lot of different questions to ask before rushing into renting.


Buying a home is a long-term investment, you should be thinking about where you can realistically see yourself in the next 5-10 years. Whereas, when you are renting, you can consider the fact that you can move out whenever you want. For example, you could have been renting, but saving for a mortgage in the background. Once you have saved up enough for your deposit or you receive a gifted deposit, you can move out whenever you want to and get your process started in Essex, you just have to give your notice.

If you can’t see yourself living within your particular area for a very long time, you should think about the idea of renting. There is no point in buying if living in a certain area is only a temporary part of your life.


When you are renting, your landlord should be responsible for any major repairs on the property. You will find that some landlords are better than others, for example, some may take their time in getting back to you, and some may be great and get right back to you. You should do your research and check out reviews before you go ahead with anything.

You will have to contribute to some repairs though. The major repairs should be handled by the landlord and minor repairs should be taken care of by you. In Essex, if you choose to buy a home you will have to take care of all of the repairs and damages inside of the property.

Moving Home in Essex with a friend(s) / family member?

When deciding whether to buy or rent with a friend or family member, as a Mortgage Broker in Essex, we would recommend that you look at renting first. Renting is a fantastic and more beneficial option is this is the route that you want to go down.

If you get tied into a mortgage deal and get yourself financially linked with your friend(s)/family, it can cause problems down the line when you want to move on and out of the property. It’s not always as easy as it seems to get your name removed from a mortgage.

It can often require Specialist Mortgage Advice in Essex to get this sort of thing moving. So, if you are looking at renting or even purchasing with a friend(s) or family, you should seek out an expert advisor’s help to assist you along the way.

Summary – Buying vs Renting

Now that you know some of the pros and cons to buying and renting, you should now weigh up your options. Which is right for you? Which will benefit you most? Where will you be in 5+ years’ time?

These are questions to consider during any big decision in your life. You could even make a list of the pros and cons, that seems to always help!

When it comes down to the numbers, the majority of people choose to buy over rent, they see it as an early opportunity to get themselves onto the property ladder. People would also rather the money go towards their own benefit rather than someone else’s.

If you need more renting vs buying advice in Essex, feel free to get in touch with our friendly team today and claim your free mortgage consultation.

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023