Mortgage Advice in Essex

In some cases, you are able to get two mortgages; sometimes you can get even more. Depending on an applicant’s situation and their reason for applying for another mortgage, a second mortgage should always be considered.

Can I Have Two Mortgages? | MoneymanTV

There are lots of different things to consider when applying for a second mortgage. You will have to have a valid reason why you are applying for a second mortgage, here are the most common reasons that we come across as a Mortgage Broker in Essex:

  • To raise money for your existing home
  • In order to rent out your existing property and move home in Essex
  • To help out your children
  • So that you can purchase a Buy to Let property in Essex
  • To move out of your existing home and get your name off a mortgage

Raising money for an existing property

People who have built up equity in their home may want a second mortgage to release some of their equity to fund another purchase or something else. When people release equity for another mortgage, they could be doing it to fund a Buy to Let property, fund a deposit on a new home… it could be for a lot of different things.

When transferring equity onto another property, you must know that it’s like starting fresh. You will need to obtain another mortgage for the property that you are transferring equity to. If you are currently on your lender’s standard variable rate of interest (SVR) you should look around for different products, it’s likely that you’ll be able to access a competitive rate.

Whatever the reason is for you wanting to transfer equity to get a second mortgage, you should be aware that it can be a specialist subject and if you get things wrong, it could be costly down the line. This is why it could be within your best interests to approach a Mortgage Broker in Essex for mortgage advice. They will help you through the whole process and will even try and get you a great second mortgage deal to accompany your property.

Renting out an existing property

It’s not unusual for people to move out of an existing property with plans to rent it out. Yes, they will have two mortgages, however, they will have some income coming in from the property’s tenants.

If you are looking at getting a second mortgage and Moving Home in Essex, you must know that your previous home is still a huge financial commitment. Before you are accepted for a second mortgage, your lender will have to confirm whether you will be able to afford two mortgages or not. They must be certain that if a tenant suddenly moves out, you’ll still be able to afford both sets of mortgage payments.

This works the same as a Buy to Let mortgage, however, since you are doing it the other way around, it’s known as a Let to Buy.

Purchasing a home for children

If parents see that their children are struggling to get onto the property ladder, they may sometimes gift their children a mortgage through a second mortgage.

Due to the rapid increase of homebuyer demand, parents are offering a helping hand to their children. It’s mostly struggling First Time Buyers in Essex that we see benefit from this situation the most, although, it could be home movers too.

It’s kind of like a gifted deposit, but the mortgage is in the parent’s name. Sometimes it’s grandparents who offer to help out too, it depends on your situation and whether you are lucky enough to be offered this option or not.

Buy to Let mortgage

Similarly to Let to Buy, Buy to Let is owning a second mortgage on a property for the pure intent of renting it out. There is nothing wrong with doing this if you want to pursue your Buy to Let landlord journey. we have worked with thousands of Buy to Let landlords before so we know the process extremely well.

For Buy to Let Mortgage Advice in Essex, make sure to get in touch with our Buy to Let team, we know how to help!

Named on an existing mortgage

Is your name linked to a mortgage on an existing property but you want to move out and get your own place? If so, you must know that it can be quite difficult to get your name removed from this mortgage deal, it may require Specialist Mortgage Advice in Essex.

Usually, this situation comes around when a relationship breaks down in the property. Whether it’s a friendship or a relationship, it’s always unfortunate when it happens. In situations like these, more often than not a Mortgage Broker in Essex like ourselves can help out.

If you want stress taking off your back or any help at all with securing two or more mortgages, make sure to get in touch with us. Trying to get one mortgage can be hard enough in some cases, never mind two or more!

We are here to help and will always have your best interests at heart. Speak to a Mortgage Advisor in Essex today.

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Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023